Saturday, February 9, 2008


Shortly after my last post, Amelioration died. I won't go into details but lack of progression and guild drama from a few key individuals tore the guild apart in just a couple of hours. As sad as it was, Lleu and Dezzi were in a new guild within 30 mintues. 24 hours later we were staring at Gruul after one shotting High King.

Thankfully a lot of friends came over from Amelioration with us and are all super impressed with Violet Eye Pokers thus far. Goals for next week include Lurker, Void Reaver, and possibly Hydross. We see good things in the cards for us and VEP.

Monday, January 21, 2008

I Haz a Blog?

Wow, according to site meter someone is still checking this after two months of no posts...... um, thanks?

Ameloiration is at a standstill progression wise. We haven't dropped a new boss since Prince, and that was before my haitus. So we've been leveling a Druid and Tankadin. Taeli is running a Warrior and Mage. Gleu, my Druid is 65 and healing the hell out instances with Taeli the tank playng meat shield. We're doing UB and SP in about 45 minutes each right now.

My Tankadin is 48 and running with Taeli's mage. We're AEing ZF into oblivion whenever we have rest. Tanking as a paladin is tougher then I thought it would be. At this level I'm still missing the Captian America shield though so maybe it will get better. I'm holding aggro, but just barely.

Anywhoo, thanks to my one remaining reader, I'll try to update more often for you!