Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Dead Zone

For those of you that don't know, hunters have a "Dead Zone" This is the area between 3 and 8 yards where a hunter can't do squat. Casters can happily sit in this area and nuke us all day long. Sure we have methods to get to distance but they don't always work or they're on cool down. So what's a hunter to do when a mage is reverse kiting us? ( I just made that up, you like?)

By reverse kiting I mean running behind us using instacasts as we try to distance ourselves to pop a Concussive or Arcane shot. Intimidation? That'll work if they've used blink to cover the distance and get into our Dead Zone. Wing Clip? Sure that'll work, it'll also get you a nice bif Frost Nova for your troubles. How about using TBW with that wing clip? Now you've got the cast snared but how to get to range? Cheetah right? Mage blinks and you're right back where you started. Traps? Any good PvPer will miss your trap so that won't work.

Non MM Hunters are the only class that has this dilema (MM's have scatter shot to help them out). Every other class has a way to close the gap of get some distance. Do I want the dead zone to go away completely? No, I'm convinced that if it wasn't there Hunters would destroy everyone in PvP and would out DPS all others by an even greater margin. What I would like to see is a slight modification to the Dead Zone. Instead of dropping our DPS to 0 in that area, how about a 1/2-3/4 reduction of damage done with a higher chance to resist Concussive shot? Do you think that would be a viable option. I'm not looking for ways to keep us doing max damage, notice I said nothing about ways to get us away from Melees. If a rogue can get to me then he deserves the shot to kill me. I'm looking for ways to ensure we can continue to do damage even when our counter CC abilities are on cooldown.

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