Friday, August 31, 2007

What would you do?

We were running Shattered Halls two night ago. 4 guildies (Backpack, Dezzi, Amalore, and myself) +1 Warlock that we picked up. On the pull before the second group of mobs training off to the sides we were feared, Slappy ran behind me with the MoB he was off tanking chasing after him. I popped Bestial Wrath to stop him from running and he happily went back to eating his target's face.

Fear wears off and his Succubus is fight dangerously close to a group of 5 MoBs. After about 30 seconds the group on the left side aggro'd and we wiped. Backpacks asked "what happened?" To which the Warlock replied "the hunters pet got feared into the mobs." Now here I have two options. I can let it go or I can make a big stink about it and tell the Warlock where he can go stick a soul shard. I choose the former since we're in there for rep and I *really* need to start running heroics. Luckily all the guild members were in Vent and I let them know that the 'Lock was a dirty liar. In a PUG I don't think I could have held back. This douche was using hunter stereotypes to get out of taking the blame for not being able to control his pet. Did his statement hold any weight with my guild? No. Would it have in a PUG? Probably yes, I'd have 3 angry players thinking they're grouped with yet another huntard. What would you have done in that situation? Hunters, would you have let it go as I did? Non hunters, have you ever placed blame on another class for a wipe that you caused?

And if that Lock is reading this, man the eff up and admit when your wrong bro. The next day I wiped a group three times and took the blame everytime. Like everyone, I make mistake but I can admit mine..... or blame Slappy at least. Sometimes that cat has a mind of his own!

1 comment:

MeatShield said...

Seriously, that freaking lock was well geared, but bona-fide retarded.