Sunday, September 23, 2007

Karazhan. Savage Desire. Pure Ownage.

The raid was going to start at 5. Lleu was sad. We couldn't get on until at least 8. Logging in we see that the raid time has been changed to 10(ish). Crisis, the Raid Leader is on so we send him a quick /tell asking him if we will have a spot. Money is tight and if the raid is full we can't be wasting it on pots. He tells us not to worry about pots but to be ready in case they need us. Suddenly we're having flashbacks to the last time we were "on the list"

This time is different though, Lleu and Slappy are the second DPS to get invited. Woot! We killed the trash to Aran without incident (the raid took out Curator on Friday night). Aran was two shotted. The first go at him a few new people weren't in Vent and didn't know to run from the Explosion. On the second attempt I don't think anyone even died. He dropped the DPS cloak and necklace. Both of which we're defaulted to your truly because all the other DPS had the items or had better.

Chess was a one shot (shocker! :P). Plate and Leather.

Prince. Prince is a B@stard. Rather, his infernals are B@stards. We tried 6 times to down him. All 6 times infernals dropped right on top of our DPS/heal stack. I'm not sure what we did different on the last attempt but Prince went down hard. Some sort of caster dagger dropped. It's purple so I guess it's good. Caster stats confuse Lleu. Dezzi has tried to explain them to us but our eyes just sort of glaze over. The second purple was for the Hunter/Mage/Warlock helm. 1 hunter and 2 locks in the group. Without thinking I /roll 100 and win with a 57. Well Actually I lost but one of the locks was playing on a shared account and didn't realize they had the helm already. So again it was defaulted to me.

This really made the other lock mad. "Oh come on!! Lleu already got 2 epics tonight!!" "He's right I did.... I'll pass on the helm" Lleu hasn't been in 'tell hell' like this since his Shadowbane days. Everyone in the raid sent me a tell saying that it was a better upgrade for me then him and that I better take it. Even the Druid that we've been debating with yelled at me to take it. So Lleu over vent says "yeah I'll take it. It's to much of an upgrade to pass on." Lleu's inner conversation is more of "ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME?! THREE EPICS!!! WOOT!!!" /dance /hugself /passoutcauseitstwohourspassedyoubedtime.

I when to Ogrimmar to socket the helm but though better of it. I was fighting to keep my eyes open and would probably add a +spell damage gem in my current state. So tonight I'll be doing dalies to get the cash to proper socket my helm As well as collect the mats for a +12 AGI enchant for my new cloak.

The issues I've had with Savage Desire seemed to fade away last night. Even the Raid Leader said we kicked @$$ on DPS. The Druid and I had a friendly conversation. Maybe we've finally moved passed all of the BS and can get down to the business at hand: getting Kara on farm status and moving to bigger and better things.


Annai said...

'Grats on your epics! We're going straight to Shade tonight. The way is clear. I don't care if anything 'hunter-ish' drops. I want to see him eat floor.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! We killed the BBW last night and tonight we hit the Curator. I am hoping we burn him down on the first shot because I want a crack at the feral druid staff that Illhoof drops. Pray for me. :-)

Lleu said...

Holy crap! Someone other then Annai reads this?? Um, welcome and stuff :)

Shade is a pain the first time. Your pet won't trigger Flame Wreath though so don't be scared to keep him on the old fool during the entire fight.

Annai said...

Shade did a face-plant about an hour ago. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm bent because my Kara team, which was comprised of some of my guild and another (allied) guild did not go, and now its all reset. Bastids.

Instead, those members not in my guild were obligated to go do Gruul's Lari with their guildies. They wiped and wiped and wiped and never really got anywhere.

Damn, I'm pissed. We could have had the Curator and Illhoof dead but their GM insisted that they go with them. Again I reitterate... BASTIDS! :-)

Yes, now I read your blog too. :-P

Mera said...

Gz. And tbh, hunters > locks, thus gear up the Hunters!!!