Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How not to run heroic Ramparts.

A Prot Warrior(Backpacks), a BM Hunter(Me), one Holy Priest(Trep), and two, yes two Shadow Priests(Hez and Dezzi) walk into Heroic Ramparts. No one walks out alive. We should have taken the first pull as a sign of thing to come. The pull itself was flawless.

/cast Arcane Shot(rank 1)

Backpacks grabs the skull, square gets trapped.... for approximately .05 seconds. WTH?? Did he resist?? No time to worry about it now, I'm in position for trap 2. Frozen and broken again, in .05 seconds. I pulled Kitty back to help tank, Kitty takes two hit and is down. I'm down. Dezzi, being the over zealous priest that he is nukes the square to unholy hell, Hez says run, dezzi is down, Backpacks is down. Trep and Hez get out. Rez rez rez and we try again. this time the traps hold and we down the two. I won't bore you with a pull by pull account but atleast one person died every pull all the way to the top of the stairs where we called it quit.

Do not, I repeat NOT try this at home. BRC dies so you don't have to.

1 comment:

Vashti said...

Are you me? My first heroic tonight, ever, druid tank with a couple of dozen heroics under his belt, holy pala healer, 2 BM hunters (me and another guy) and a shadow priest. We wiped on the first two trash mobs when my trap broke almost immediately. Then the priest left. We replaced him with a mage, and got to the top of the stairs, wiping several times, and ... then we called it.

3% durability, 15g repair. Ow.